Yesterday, Marca and I found a consignment shop on the plaza. We couldn't believe the prices. The owner of the shop had racks of jeans for $5, dresses for $15, coats for $30 and one rack of clothing for $1. We had fun trying on different things and hunting for good finds. I found these leather cowboy boots that were my size for $30. We just had looked at a store with boots that were selling for $500 and up. The boots fit me and were in great shape, so I decided they were mine. Then I couldn't resist this great soft leather jacket for only $30. Marca found a really fun hat that looked perfect on her. Overall we did really well.
Later on we found a great little French Pastry shop at the LaFonda Inn. We had to each split a chocolate croissant and a strawberry crepe. The sun was out and it was a lot warmer than the day before. We enjoyed just strolling around and going into galleries.
In an earlier blog, I had mentioned that we had an afternoon of making art. I am attaching a photo of the painting that Marca created while here in Santa Fe. I thought it turned out great.
Today I am going for a hike with my friend that lives in Santa Fe. Then I will be off to Albuquerque. Marca went back to Colorado this morning. We had a great time catching up.